Serihwatshén:ri karihwahséhton Kahrhá:kon Rati’terón:ton
Setshén:ri tsi niióhskats ne onkwá:wen tsi iohaténion, tsi nón:we entewatshén:ri tekonttihánion konti’terón:ton tánon seweientéhta’n tsi niiokwakwáhtshehr kontinakerénion ne kahrhá:kon
Iorihonwá:nen enkwahró:ri. Thók nikahá:wi enkwahshennínionte Onerahtohkó:wa Wísk iawenréhaton tsi niió:re ne Kenténha wísk iawenréhaton enhská:ra’ne.

Wathró:ri ne Ioterihwahtenkià:ton
Guided hike on a trail with an interpretive guide to learn more about the various inhabitants of the forest, their roles in the forest ecosystem, and the traces that testify to their presence. Six stations will be used to present the various inhabitants of the forest.
Tsi nithoti:ions enhontaweia’te. sha’té:kon na’tehonohseriiá:kon tánon sénha thotí:ions.
Tsi nikano:ron $10 nikahwistake ratiksa’okòn:’a tánon $12 nikahwístake ne iakotehià:ron
Discovering the secrets of the Forest Dwellers was created by Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Feel free to contact us if you have any comments or questions regarding our activities.
Please note that your reservation will only be confirmed once we have contacted you via email or phone. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Please book the activity of your choice with a notice of 3 to 4 days before your reservation date, so that we can confirm your booking. Without prior notice or confirmation from us, we cannot guarantee your reservation.
Important Information
- Rain or shine, the activity will take place, so if participants are not present, we retain the deposit.
- In case of stormy weather or strong winds, the activity may be postponed/cancelled without notice, on-site.
- In the event that the activity cannot be rescheduled, your deposit will be refunded.