Kariò:ta tánon Ohnionwara’shòn:’a

Setshén:ri ne sha’oié:ra tekonttihánion ne Tsi Kanenhstá:ton

Thanks to its geographical location in southern Quebec and its proximity to Lake Saint-François, the wetland that constitutes the Lac-Saint-François National Wildlife Reserve is particularly remarkable for the richness of its flora and fauna.

The Canadian Wildlife Service has inventoried the site and created a list of animals and plants that can be found on the territory. This list can be used for your information or to record your own observations. Tekahna’netáhkwen kahiatónhsera enwá:ton enhshnié:na ratinatahré:na’as ronkia’tarohrókstha, í:iah thé:nen thahskária’ke.

Sénha ahséhsake tsi tekonttihánion ne atonhnhéhtshera kontinákere ne Kaniataráhere-Roia’takokénhti- François Kanakeráhtsherea Watatewenní:io Atonhnhéhtshera Tsi Kanenhstá:ton, ronwatinenhri:ne tenhontstikáhwhane oná:ke toka’ ò:ni kahón:wes akwáh entà:’onk. Sa nehrá:ko ne sha’oié:ra tsi niióhskats í:kare ne tsi iohwentsiá:te.\ iotawenhrá:ton ne 1,317 hectares.

Ioianere’ón:we tsi ionhwentsiá:te 

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